XL4 penstock 2000 x 2000 mm
Scope of delivery:
+ 2x XL4 penstock 2000 × 2000 mm
+ 3x Flap cover DN 600 & DN 700
+ Stop logs 3000 × 3000 mm
Flap cover DN 600 & DN 4700
Scope of delivery:
+ 2x XL4 penstock 2000 × 2000 mm
+ 3x Flap cover DN 600 & DN 700
+ Stop logs 3000 × 3000 mm
Stop logs 3000 x 3000 mm
Scope of delivery:
+ 2x XL4 penstock 2000 × 2000 mm
+ 3x Flap cover DN 600 & DN 700
+ Stop logs 3000 × 3000 mm
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
XL3 channel penstock 3150 x 2150 mm with 180° gearbox
Scope of delivery:
+ 2x XL3 channel penstock 3150 × 2150 mm in two-spindle design
+ 180° gearbox and electric actuator lowered to operating height
+ Optimised for quick installation during running operation
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
XL3 channel penstock 3150 x 2150 mm in in two-spindle design
Scope of delivery:
+ 2x XL3 channel penstock 3150 × 2150 mm in two-spindle design
+ 180° gearbox and electric actuator lowered to operating height
+ Optimised for quick installation during running operation
Brno, Czech Republic
Scope of delivery:
+ 4x XL4 semicircular penstock - 900 × 1350 mm & 800 × 1200 mm
+ 21x SAFOX© G from DN 300 - DN 1600
+ 9x Flap cover from DN 400 - DN 1400
Tailor-made stainless steel penstock and flaps for flood protection
DN 1400 flap covers with counterweight and XL4 semicircular penstock with customised shaped invert have already been installed for construction section VII/VIII 2022-2025. Thanks to the shape of the base, which corresponds 1:1 to the shape of the channel, and the base seal on the plate, the penstock seals the channel perfectly. The penstock can be moved into the maintenance position for maintenance work. The modular actuation system with special emergency actuation via our MOBITORQ mobile actuatorrounds off the durable and safe functionality of the penstocks.
The subsequent stages are already in the planning phase. BÜSCH will be equipping the other construction phases with stainless steel penstocks up to and including 2028. Because future integrated water management needs reliable solutions.
Brno, Czech Republic
Flap cover DN 1400 with counterweights
Scope of delivery:
+ 4x XL4 semicircular penstock - 900 × 1350 mm & 800 × 1200 mm
+ 21x SAFOX© G from DN 300 - DN 1600
+ 9x Flap cover from DN 400 - DN 1400
Tailor-made stainless steel penstock and flaps for flood protection
DN 1400 flap covers with counterweight and XL4 semicircular penstock with customised shaped invert have already been installed for construction section VII/VIII 2022-2025. Thanks to the shape of the base, which corresponds 1:1 to the shape of the channel, and the base seal on the plate, the penstock seals the channel perfectly. The penstock can be moved into the maintenance position for maintenance work. The modular actuation system with special emergency actuation via our MOBITORQ mobile actuatorrounds off the durable and safe functionality of the penstocks.
The subsequent stages are already in the planning phase. BÜSCH will be equipping the other construction phases with stainless steel penstocks up to and including 2028. Because future integrated water management needs reliable solutions.
Brno, Czech Republic
XL4 semicircular penstock
Scope of delivery:
+ 4x XL4 semicircular penstock - 900 × 1350 mm & 800 × 1200 mm
+ 21x SAFOX© G from DN 300 - DN 1600
+ 9x Flap cover from DN 400 - DN 1400
Tailor-made stainless steel penstock and flaps for flood protection
DN 1400 flap covers with counterweight and XL4 semicircular penstock with customised shaped invert have already been installed for construction section VII/VIII 2022-2025. Thanks to the shape of the base, which corresponds 1:1 to the shape of the channel, and the base seal on the plate, the penstock seals the channel perfectly. The penstock can be moved into the maintenance position for maintenance work. The modular actuation system with special emergency actuation via our MOBITORQ mobile actuatorrounds off the durable and safe functionality of the penstocks.
The subsequent stages are already in the planning phase. BÜSCH will be equipping the other construction phases with stainless steel penstocks up to and including 2028. Because future integrated water management needs reliable solutions.
Hamburg, Germany
XL4 weir type penstock 900 x 900 mm, 7.6 mwc
Scope of delivery:
+ XL4 weir type penstock - 900 × 900 mm, 7,6 mwc
Nasz klient z Hamburga wymienił starą zastawkę na kolektorze kanalizacyjnym. Nowa zasuwa wrzecionowa XL4 o wymiarach 900 × 900 mm dla ciśnienia równego 7,6 msw reguluje obecnie przepływ ścieków , zapewniając w ten sposób odprowadzanie ścieków dla większości mieszkańców hamburskiej wyspy Wilhelmsburg na rzece Łabie.
Wyzwania podczas montażu:
Bezpieczna i szybka realizacja:
Hamburg, Germany
XL4 weir type penstock with cover plate 2000 x 2000 mm, DN 1500
Scope of delivery:
+ XL4 weir type penstock - 900 × 900 mm, 7,6 mwc
Nasz klient z Hamburga wymienił starą zastawkę na kolektorze kanalizacyjnym. Nowa zasuwa wrzecionowa XL4 o wymiarach 900 × 900 mm dla ciśnienia równego 7,6 msw reguluje obecnie przepływ ścieków , zapewniając w ten sposób odprowadzanie ścieków dla większości mieszkańców hamburskiej wyspy Wilhelmsburg na rzece Łabie.
Wyzwania podczas montażu:
Bezpieczna i szybka realizacja:
Warsaw, Poland
XL4 weir type penstock
Scope of delivery:
+ 2x XL4 weir type penstock - 2800 × 2000 mm
+ 3x XL4 semicircular penstock - 1300 × 1300 mm & 3200 × 3200 mm
+ 1x XL4 Penstock with push- and pull-rod - 1600 × 1600 mm
+ Stop logs - 3700 × 2800 mm
Warsaw, Poland
XL4 Penstock with push- and pull-rod
Scope of delivery:
+ 2x XL4 weir type penstock - 2800 × 2000 mm
+ 3x XL4 semicircular penstock - 1300 × 1300 mm & 3200 × 3200 mm
+ 1x XL4 Penstock with push- and pull-rod - 1600 × 1600 mm
+ Stop logs - 3700 × 2800 mm
Warsaw, Poland
XL4 semicircular penstock
Scope of delivery:
+ 2x XL4 Penstock - 2300 × 1100 mm
+ 3x XL4 semicircular penstock - 1600 × 1600 mm & 2000 × 2000 mm
+ 4x XL3 weir type channel penstock - 1800 × 2750 mm
Warsaw, Poland
XL4 Penstock & XL3 weir type channel penstock
Scope of delivery:
+ 2x XL4 Penstock - 2300 × 1100 mm
+ 3x XL4 semicircular penstock - 1600 × 1600 mm & 2000 × 2000 mm
+ 4x XL3 weir type channel penstock - 1800 × 2750 mm
Thundorf, Germany
XL3 channel penstock 3000 x 2200 mm twin spindle design
Scope of delivery:
+ XL3 channel penstock 3000 × 2200 mm with twin spindle design incl. gearbox
+ XL4 penstock 2700 × 2350 mm & 4000 × 1850 mm
Ringsend, Irland
XL4 penstock 2400 x 2300 mm
Scope of delivery:
+ 2x XL4 penstock - 2400 × 2300 mm
Ogromne zasuwy wrzecionowe, mała głębokość instalacji, wznoszące się wrzeciona – to opisuje nasz projekt w Ringsend w Irlandii.
Zasuwa wrzecionowa XL4 2400 × 2300 mm ma niewielką głębokość zabudowy wynoszącą 6 m. Dlatego nie było możliwości zastosowania rury przedłużenia wrzeciona, zamiast tego zastosowano stałe, wznoszące się wrzeciono.
Aby zapewnić odpowiednią ochronę i trwałość gwintu, zastosowano go wyłącznie na długości odpowiadającej skokowi płyty, poza agresywnym medium.
Nowy obiekt powstał jako By-pass starego kolektora ściekowego.